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Feedback for Customer Success Teams Webinar

Feedback for Customer Success Teams Webinar

Cut Through the Cobwebs: Using Feedback for Customer Success Teams

Learn how team at ShiftPlanning has been able to convert accounts to reduce churn, identify advocates and impact the product with TopBox.

In this webinar, learn how one team has been able to act on feedback and increase customer success

Lots of CSM’s are inundated with high numbers of accounts and base outreach purely on renewal dates. But being proactive in helping customers reach their goals with your company should be much more strategic than that! Hear from VP of Client Services, Paul Piazza, and rock star CSM, Ashley Nicholson, on how they’ve been able to not only help change the minds of Detractors, but also identify their Promoters and activate advocates to build relationships that lead to longer customer lifetime value (CLV). We’ll walk you through examples of how to use an account-based management approach for customer feedback that helps prioritize action items and effectively engage with customers for optimal success.

Topics include:

  • Why feedback is different for B2B
  • Prioritizing account outreach and action items
  • Sharing insights across the company
  • Results for customer success

About the Presenters

Paul Piazza, VP of Client Services, ShiftPlanning
Paul has more than two decades of experience in managing people, processes, and technology. He’s managed Customer Success for prominent players including Marketo and Gainsight, and keep his goals toward increasing customer satisfaction. At ShiftPlanning, he’s helped build the processes and best practices to scale the CS and Support teams to ensure success with onboarding customer segmentation, life cycles, documentation and support.

Ashley Nicholson, Customer Success Manager, ShiftPlanning
Ashley is a seasoned customer experience pro, having managed customer success for ShiftPlanning, Home Depot and Element Fleet Management. She is skilled in building customer relationships, problem solving and using data to drive her process.

Steve Bernstein
Steve is a B2B customer experience expert with 20+ years of experience in developing leading strategies with hands-on execution. He is the Founder of Waypoint Group and mastermind behind TopBox. His goal is to transform the way B2B companies measure and improve customer success with strategic metrics and tangible ROI.

Prior to founding Waypoint Group, Steve was responsible for Solutions Development at Satmetrix, the co-developer of Net Promoter®, where he assisted clients with implementing customer loyalty programs, while also running Satmetrix’ own program as a showcase of best practices and real results. Before joining Satmetrix, Steve held Vice President positions at Enkata and Blue Pumpkin, where he led the charge to develop winning customer-focused strategies that led to sustainable growth, profitability, and #1 market share position. Steve has also held senior leadership positions with Cipient, Cisco Systems, and other global organizations.

Steve is Net Promoter Certified and was awarded his BA in Economics from University of California at Berkeley (Go Bears!)