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-- Webinar --

Acting on Feedback Webinar

Acting on Feedback Webinar

Acting on feedback shouldn’t be hard.

So we dedicated 30 minutes to showing you how TopBox uses customer feedback to prioritize action for improvement and growth.

Included in this webinar:

For this product showcase, CEO Steve Bernstein walks viewers through an account-based view of understanding which customers are successful and how to act on the feedback. Before your team begins analyzing and making recommendations for improvement, it’s important to know how representative the data is of your customers. Does this data really reflect how all your customers feel about the company? TopBox provides metrics for account response rate, number of contacts invited and whether they are a Decision Maker or Day-to-Day contact to give teams the confidence to base decisions using this data.

This webinar also touches on key driver analysis with TopBox, a report that shows how important each touchpoint or relationship aspect is to the account so teams can understand which improvement strategies will really move the needle.

Arm your team with the tools to know:

  • Trustworthiness of Data – Does it accurately represent the account?
  • Internal Benchmarks – How does this score compare to other accounts?
  • Key Driver Analysis – Which touchpoints & improvements will move the needle?

Use these insights to fuel:

  • A focused closed loop follow-up process
  • Renewals
  • Quarterly Business Reviews

About the presenter

Steve Bernstein
Steve is a B2B customer experience expert with 20+ years of experience in developing leading strategies with hands-on execution. He is the Founder of Waypoint Group and mastermind behind TopBox. His goal is to transform the way B2B companies measure and improve customer success with strategic metrics and tangible ROI.

Prior to founding Waypoint Group, Steve was responsible for Solutions Development at Satmetrix, the co-developer of Net Promoter®, where he assisted clients with implementing customer loyalty programs, while also running Satmetrix’ own program as a showcase of best practices and real results. Before joining Satmetrix, Steve held Vice President positions at Enkata and Blue Pumpkin, where he led the charge to develop winning customer-focused strategies that led to sustainable growth, profitability, and #1 market share position. Steve has also held senior leadership positions with Cipient, Cisco Systems, and other global organizations.

Steve is Net Promoter Certified and was awarded his BA in Economics from University of California at Berkeley (Go Bears!)