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Learn from the Poster-Children of B2B CX:

Best Practices Q&A with Digital Insight

Couldn’t make it? No worries. Watch the recording below:

In this webinar, learn how one team
has been able to act on feedback
and increase revenue.

In this 45-minute fireside-style Q&A discussion, you’ll hear from
VP of Customer Engagement, Jezz Holland
Customer Success Leader, Christine Rimer
Waypoint Group CEO, Steve Bernstein.

Most companies try to ask customers for feedback to improve product
innovation, delivery, and customer experience, but most don’t achieve
the kind of success as these presenters.

This dynamic duo created a feedback and engagement program that
incrementally increased customer success (and NPS® by 60 points)
with financial performance. Together they built a program that started
in one department and overt time proved the link between CX and
revenue, growing the insights company-wide.

Included topics & Where to find them in the recording:

  • About Digital Insight: 2:43′
  • Evolution of the program: 5:21′
  • Impact of program on NPS and Retention: 7:21′
  • Increasing the response rate and impact: 9:11′
  • Key Drivers of customer satisfaction: 13′
  • Transactional Net Promoter (tNPS): 15:10′
  • Making the business case for CX: 16:31′
  • Prioritizing action items: 20:57′
  • Cross-functional collaboration: 22:30′
  • Root cause: 29:25′
  • Good, Better, Best template for improvement: 32:36′
  • Creating a customer-centric culture: 41:13′
  • Advice to fellow practitioners: 42:56′

 Use these insights to fuel:

  • A feedback program that generates revenue through renewals and cost savings
  • Strong customer relationships
  • Product innovation
  • Quarterly Business Reviews

About the Presenters

Jezz Holland, VP of Customer Engagement, Digital Insight

For the past 9 years Jezz has run Customer Success teams at Digital Insight, improving DI’s Net Promoter score by over 60 pt, driving record customer retention and doubling business growth. Prior to DI, Jezz implemented Intuit’s first ever Net Promoter survey, developing an in-product system that received over 27,000 responses in the first month.

Before joining Intuit, Jezz was CTO/CIO and cofounder at Della & James, now The Knot, and held Professional Services management positions at Oracle and Andersen Consulting working on large scale systems developments in the US and abroad.

Jezz has a Masters degree from Imperial College, London and is a Master Black Belt.

Christine Rimer, Customer Success Leader

Christine is a senior level Customer Success leader with a unique blend of enterprise systems and operations experience.  Christine’s experience includes scaling a professional services team to successfully executing two thousand projects a year with a world class +50 Net Promoter score.

Christine leverages her technical background having successfully built and managed multiple large, complex IT projects including data centers, eCommerce and data warehouse systems for Intuit, NCR, Macromedia and start ups. With her cross functional collaboration, customer passion and strong communications skills, Christine has developed new teams as well as optimized existing teams to achieve operational excellence and scale at early stage startups as well as larger organizations.

Steve Bernstein, CEO, Waypoint Group

Steve is a B2B customer experience expert with 20+ years of experience in developing leading strategies with hands-on execution. He is the Founder of Waypoint Group and mastermind behind TopBox. His goal is to transform the way B2B companies measure and improve customer success with strategic metrics and tangible ROI.

Prior to founding Waypoint Group, Steve was responsible for Solutions Development at Satmetrix, the co-developer of Net Promoter®, where he assisted clients with implementing customer loyalty programs, while also running Satmetrix’ own program as a showcase of best practices and real results. Before joining Satmetrix, Steve held Vice President positions at Enkata and Blue Pumpkin, where he led the charge to develop winning customer-focused strategies that led to sustainable growth, profitability, and #1 market share position. Steve has also held senior leadership positions with Cipient, Cisco Systems, and other global organizations.

Steve is Net Promoter Certified and was awarded his BA in Economics from University of California at Berkeley (Go Bears!)