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Waypoint Group Accepted into the Net Promoter Loyalty Partner Program

Posted on September 13, 2010 , by Steve Bernstein

I’m excited to announce that Waypoint Group has been accepted into the Net Promoter® Loyalty Partner program.  Our employees have been Net Promoter Certified Professionals since our founding, and now we’ve taken that extra step to certify the entire business. 
According to the official NetPromoter.Com website, “Achieving success with Net Promoter requires much more than calculating the Net

Waypoint Group is a Net Promoter Loyalty Partner

Waypoint Group is a Net Promoter Loyalty Partner

 Promoter Score, or NPS®.  It demands expertise, tools, and a management process for integrating customer feedback into decision making at all organizational levels.  The philosophy behind the partner program is to ensure that companies using Net Promoter in their services are well qualified and can work seamlessly with the program developers and joint clients.”
While simple in both measurement and description, we’ve learned quite a lot about how to make Net Promoter work for an organization, such as

  • Driving a focus on improvement (because just “change” isn’t enough, let alone “measurement”)
  • Acquiring and reporting your results in a non-controvertible manner (because I still remember the book, “How to Lie with Statistics”)
  • Compensation pitfalls, strategies, and execution tactics (because messing with people’s comp is filled with landmines)
  • Directly connecting customer feedback with hard-dollar ROI and business results (because customer feedback is a means to the end – profitable growth in the business – and not an end itself)

If you want to keep your rate of profitable growth consistent with the past then keep doing what you are doing.  If you want to increase that rate of growth, you will need to do something different.  Consider Net Promoter as a vehicle to help you get there.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
– Albert Einstein

Net Promoter, NPS, and Net Promoter Score are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.