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When it comes to budgeting for 2014, many CEOs are trying to decide what new initiatives will move the needle next year. We thought it pertinent to illustrate why budgeting for customer success is the smartest initiative you should consider for the new year.
Check out this infographic on why your B2B customer should be number 1 in 2014. Some key takeaways:
1) Make the most of your feedback and Net Promoter Score (NPS) by making it actionable and impactful through financial linkage.
2) Drilling down to the root cause of both customer “bright spots” and “pain points” accelerates delivery of solutions that create more Promoters.
3) Pay attention to your non-responders – their silence is definitely telling you something.
How will you and/or your company enable customer success in 2014? Post a comment below, we’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas! (Dont want to “sign in”? Use this form: [contact-form-7 404 "Not Found"] )